Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another waste of taxpayers money

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

Could someone on Township Staff or the Reeve please explain to the residents of this township why we have to hire Janet Amos to write a letter to the Ministry of the Environment expressing the wish of the Council to stop/cancel the EA Part II request dated 2010, when we have on staff a CAO who is paid in excess of $116.000/year and a very, very competent Clerk and Deputy clerk? This to me is another waste of our tax dollars on the Fraserville Project. I beleive the Ministry "decision" would have shown that the entire 2010 version of the EA was seriously flawed and would require more tax dollars to right it. If this were not true then why would the people that submitted request not be privy to the results even if the water diversion is no longer in the mix.
Ed Farrow

Friday, August 27, 2010



Dear Editor,

My husband and I have owned our property on Carveth Dr. since 1978. Every spring and fall in those early years, the road would wash out and be impassible for several days. Gradually over the years, improvements were made until we had a fairly good paved surface. Alas, construction techniques and materials have obviously been seriously flawed since numerous potholes occur constantly. Road crews fill these potholes weekly. Do we need better construction on Huston St. and Carveth Dr.? Yes, we do. I for one do not want to break another axle. Better contracts secured by the township with developers are paramount and can be a good starting point in several locations including Huston St.

However, we also need to maintain the rural residential spirit of the region. Carveth Dr. has a 60 km per hour speed limit. Huston St. has a 50 km per hour limit. A few years ago a young man and his father raced up Carveth Dr. from the 4th Line and ran straight into a wild apple tree on our property. Both men narrowly escaped serious injury but not police charges. A neighbour who was frequently seen speeding up and down Carveth Dr. ultimately went off the road, speeding on the straighter, faster 4th Line (speed limit 80 km per hour). He hit a tree and killed himself.

These rural residential roads are not meant for speed nor do the majority of the residents want speed. Anyone who needs to live 2 minutes from highway 115 should buy property near 115 highway. There is always a selection of properties available. We chose to live in a more secluded area for the quiet and the fresh air.


Susan Petch

Monday, August 16, 2010

Motion of the Century

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

At the August 3rd "Regular Council Meeting" a motion was passed that could prove to be the most important in the Township of Cavan Monafgan history. The motion which protects and preserves the Millbrook water supply was made by Councillor Fern Armstrong and fully supported by Councillors Jim Chaplin and Tim Belch.

Reeve Cathcart and Deputy Revve Bartlett voted against the motion.

The Motion denies developers access to the Millbrook and Oak Ridges Moraine water supply and clears the way for an Official Plan for the Township to be developed which will allow for growth that is sustainable and fiscally responsible.

A huge vote of thanks is owed to Councillors Armstrong, Chaplin and Belch for having the foresight and determination to realize that the water diversion project and the Fraserville Project (as currently proposed) carried with it a potential environmental and financial disaster to the Township and it's residents.

I urge everyone in the Township and those that believe protecting our life sustaining water supplies, show their gratitude by thanking each of these "Modern Day Pioneers".

This is truly a landmark event in Cavan Monaghan Township that will be remembered and talked about for years to come.

Vote wisely in October

Thank you very much Fern, Jim and Tim.

Ed Farrow

Thank You to All Who Worked So Hard on this Issue

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

At the August regular council meeting 2010,exactly one year from the public meeting introducing OPA #6, the water diversion project was defeated by a vote of 3-2.

It was heartwarming to see so many people come together to fight the taking of water from the Millbrook wells to the new proposed development in Fraserville and beyond. We all had a common goal,that we adamantly believed, which was,if it proceeded it would be and environmental and economic disaster for the entire community.

In the end, the will of the people prevailed. Thank you to all who worked so hard on this issue and to the three councillors who voted to stop the project.

Marion Thompson
R.R. #1

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Victory is ours"

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

Re: "Victory is ours" August 4th

The Reeve said "there will be no pipe to service an arena"

If the arena or recreation complex is built in the vicinity of Millbrook such as the 100 acre jail lands, the arena can be hooked to the Millbrook water system.

Besides, MOE does not tell Council what to do, MOE only advises on the technical aspects of the water diversion. Last night was a political decision not a technical decision.

Now we can move forward and complete the Official Plan

Andy Harjula

No water, no development ...

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From The Reeve is quoted as saying that "No water, no development" I assume he means no development in Fraserville.

This statement is inconsistent with the approved plan to build 2700 houses in Fraserville using water from Fraserville.

Councilor Armstrong deserves credit from the electorate for her motion; not to divert water from Millbrook.

The proposed updated Official Plan recognizes the folly of the 2700 houses in Fraserville and now suggests that only 864 houses be built.

The Millbrook water may now be directed to developing Millbrook into a more viable town via a more robust and visionary Official Plan.

Andy Harjula


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Water Diversion Motion

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

It is after much thought, soul-searching and restless nights that I bring up the subject of the taking of water from the Millbrook wells to supply the Fraserville Development.

The taking of the water from the Millbrook wells is the burning question!

How can there be an Official Plan, OP3, OP6 or any other plan until this question is resolved. The taking of water from the Millbrook Wells is wrong on so many levels.

I am not against development in Fraserville but firmly believe it has to be self sustainable. As the new Official Plan stands, there is only residential development for Fraserville in the foreseeable future. Residential development will not pay for the Fraserville development.

The original Fraserville Plan approved by council had commercial, industrial and residential areas to be serviced by wells near the development area. So to now have it said that this water is not available to supply the development is ludicrous. I don't understand nor have I received a reasonable answer why the water servicing plans all changed.

There has been, and still is too much money, time, professional fees and dancing around the issue of water. How can an Official Plan be approved by this Council without resolution of the water issue.

We need to resolve the water issue so the Council, staff, professional advisors and the people of this Township can seriously and diligently work together to plan our future.

The planning for the Fraserville Development needs to go back to the drawing board. Start small and promote sustainable growth as it becomes relevant.

The Village of Millbrook needs a detailed Secondary Plan as do the hamlets of Cavan and North Monaghan. Here in Cavan Monaghan Township we are situated on prime farm land, in a prime location, filled with pristine beauty. And the Developers want it. Therefore we need to be very wary.

Our Official Plan has to be perfect with concise and detailed wording.

It's all about "Keeping It All Right Here"

I would now, like to hear the opinions on this issue from the other Councillors ....

Councillor Armstrong