Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Another waste of taxpayers money

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

Could someone on Township Staff or the Reeve please explain to the residents of this township why we have to hire Janet Amos to write a letter to the Ministry of the Environment expressing the wish of the Council to stop/cancel the EA Part II request dated 2010, when we have on staff a CAO who is paid in excess of $116.000/year and a very, very competent Clerk and Deputy clerk? This to me is another waste of our tax dollars on the Fraserville Project. I beleive the Ministry "decision" would have shown that the entire 2010 version of the EA was seriously flawed and would require more tax dollars to right it. If this were not true then why would the people that submitted request not be privy to the results even if the water diversion is no longer in the mix.
Ed Farrow

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