Thursday, July 15, 2010

Water Diversion Motion

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

It is after much thought, soul-searching and restless nights that I bring up the subject of the taking of water from the Millbrook wells to supply the Fraserville Development.

The taking of the water from the Millbrook wells is the burning question!

How can there be an Official Plan, OP3, OP6 or any other plan until this question is resolved. The taking of water from the Millbrook Wells is wrong on so many levels.

I am not against development in Fraserville but firmly believe it has to be self sustainable. As the new Official Plan stands, there is only residential development for Fraserville in the foreseeable future. Residential development will not pay for the Fraserville development.

The original Fraserville Plan approved by council had commercial, industrial and residential areas to be serviced by wells near the development area. So to now have it said that this water is not available to supply the development is ludicrous. I don't understand nor have I received a reasonable answer why the water servicing plans all changed.

There has been, and still is too much money, time, professional fees and dancing around the issue of water. How can an Official Plan be approved by this Council without resolution of the water issue.

We need to resolve the water issue so the Council, staff, professional advisors and the people of this Township can seriously and diligently work together to plan our future.

The planning for the Fraserville Development needs to go back to the drawing board. Start small and promote sustainable growth as it becomes relevant.

The Village of Millbrook needs a detailed Secondary Plan as do the hamlets of Cavan and North Monaghan. Here in Cavan Monaghan Township we are situated on prime farm land, in a prime location, filled with pristine beauty. And the Developers want it. Therefore we need to be very wary.

Our Official Plan has to be perfect with concise and detailed wording.

It's all about "Keeping It All Right Here"

I would now, like to hear the opinions on this issue from the other Councillors ....

Councillor Armstrong

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