Monday, August 16, 2010

Motion of the Century

The following has been posted with the permission of the original author ...

At the August 3rd "Regular Council Meeting" a motion was passed that could prove to be the most important in the Township of Cavan Monafgan history. The motion which protects and preserves the Millbrook water supply was made by Councillor Fern Armstrong and fully supported by Councillors Jim Chaplin and Tim Belch.

Reeve Cathcart and Deputy Revve Bartlett voted against the motion.

The Motion denies developers access to the Millbrook and Oak Ridges Moraine water supply and clears the way for an Official Plan for the Township to be developed which will allow for growth that is sustainable and fiscally responsible.

A huge vote of thanks is owed to Councillors Armstrong, Chaplin and Belch for having the foresight and determination to realize that the water diversion project and the Fraserville Project (as currently proposed) carried with it a potential environmental and financial disaster to the Township and it's residents.

I urge everyone in the Township and those that believe protecting our life sustaining water supplies, show their gratitude by thanking each of these "Modern Day Pioneers".

This is truly a landmark event in Cavan Monaghan Township that will be remembered and talked about for years to come.

Vote wisely in October

Thank you very much Fern, Jim and Tim.

Ed Farrow

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