Saturday, August 29, 2009

Questions for Council

Do you have questions for members of our council?  Post your questions and give our councillors an opportunity to respond.


  1. I would like to attend meetings but am generally unable to attend in the afternoon.

    If there are important issues before Council, issues that have a direct impact on the residents, Council should consider this:

    1. Deal with regular items in the afternoon (perhaps from 3 to 5 pm) instead of the 1pm start, then break for dinner and return at 6 pm.

    2. At 6 pm, Council resumes the meeting to discuss any critical issues that have a direct impact on the residents.


  2. I was unable to attend the Wednesday Sept 9th
    meeting regarding the Frasierville "mega-development" and Millbrooks water supply. If
    someone could answer any of the following
    questions, it would be appreciated.

    1. Exactly how much water does Millbrook have
    and how much water does it consume? I have
    read there has been a study done
    for the area. Where could I receive a copy of this report?
    2. Exactly what volume of water does the "mega-
    development" in Frasierville plan on taking
    from the Millbrook water supply?
    3. Who is funding this "mega-development" and
    what companies are involved?
    4. Where is the beginning of this water pipe
    in Millbrook and where will it go from there?

    Regardless of how much water Millbrook has,
    you can never take more then nature can supply
    without risking shortages.
    All areas will have drought at one time or another and this has to be planned for. Not an
    easy task when nature doesn't show us her
    schedule, so you can only base it on historical
    Drought will come. It is not a matter of if
    but when. How long it will last is impossible
    to say. There may be below average rainfall
    for one,two or five years. If Millbrook is
    sending its water to Fraserville and shortages
    develope, who has the first rights to this
    water? Farmers,business,homes, Millbrrok, Cavan,Fraserville?
    One thing is for sure as the volume of water
    goes down, the price will certainly go up!

    Any comments at all are appreciated.
    Thank you.......Michael Card


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